Adventure longer
Adventure stronger
Adventure aware
The Proxus App uses a patent pending Bluetooth method to detect proximity to others who might be out of sight in order to help make hiking, biking, and ORV operation less stressful. Click here to download the app and start using it on your next outdoor adventure.

About Proxus

The Proxus App (patent pending) is an innovation that uses Bluetooth technology to detect proximity to other people while you are hiking, biking or driving off-road vehicles. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings to make your outdoor activities less stressful.
How it Works
Before Proxus

Two ORV's head for a blind corner without knowing the other is there

Without warning, neither of them can know what's about to happen

At the very least, they trade a little paint. At the worst...
Now the blue ORV operator uses Proxus

Blue gets a "heads-up" that they're not alone

Blue slows down and moves a little to the side

Yellow now has more time to react and they pass each other safely
Both ORV operators use Proxus

Both get a "heads-up" that they're not alone

Both slow down as they approach the corner and move a little to the side

They pass each other safely and the adventure can continue
Features of the Proxus App

Close-Call Corner
Shoot us an email or text of a time Proxus could have helped avoid a run-in with another rider or hiker or a time you avoided disaster by using the app. We LOVE to hear from happy (and alive) customers!
Share Your Proxus Moments!
Share your Proxus App moments with us on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #Proxus. We'd love to see how our app is making your outdoor adventures less stressful.
Also the people in these stock photos look like they've never even seen a tree, so we'd like to get some real people here.